Do You Have Webworms?

Green lawns all across the Houston area have been turning brown in a matter of days!   With all the moisture we’ve had lately, you’ve probably ruled out a lack of water as the issue.  Actually the unusual heat and moisture has created the perfect banquet table for tropical sod webworms.  These little guys have been wreaking havoc on St. Augustine lawns, and if you do not act quickly, they can destroy your lawn.

How do I know if I have them?

There are a few easy signs to look for.  First, you may notice small white moths flying around your lawn early in the mornings.  This is when the females spread their eggs.  The moths are white-gray.  They have a snout like projection in the front of their head and closely fold their wings around their body when resting.  Webworm moths are attracted to lush green lawns in hot, dry areas.  They are less likely to be in the shady parts of your lawn.  Next, inspect the sickly looking areas.  Webworms tunnel through thatch.  They pull the grass blades into their tunnels to feel during the evening.  You will notice silk lined tunnels in the mornings upon inspection of damaged areas.  Your lawn will appear to have been been clipped unevenly with patches of brown.  Finally, look for the worms (larvae).  They are approximately 3/4” long.  They will be light brown with several rows of spots along the length of their body.

What do I do if I have webworms?

Lawns can be damaged within a few days.  It is imperative that you diagnose and treat your lawn quickly.  You can find granule or liquid insecticides, but liquid application is much more effective.  It is available in your home improvement stores, but then you are responsible for safe application, correct mixing ratios,  and safe storage.  Many stores are running out due to high demand in our area.  We highly recommend calling a professional who is very familiar with the product and can dispense it safely.  More than likely, you will need a few treatments over a 2-3 week period to eradicate your lawn of these munchy monsters.

So, if your once green lawn is rapidly turning brown, give us a call!  We will be happy to take care of it for you!  We can make your St. Augustine green once again!

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Your outdoor space is calling. Get the ball rolling by calling 281-549-6258 or texting us at 833-456-3658 for prompt service.